

Suspected Acetaminophen-induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
毒性表皮壞死溶解症、藥物不良反應、acetaminophen、toxic epidermal necrolysis, adverse drug reaction, acetaminophen
毛乾泰Chien-Tai Mao 、蔡春玉Chun-Yu Tsai 、鄧新棠Shin-Tarng Deng
1林口長庚紀念醫院 藥劑部
此原為醫師通報MST continus® 所導致毒性表皮壞死溶解症(toxic epidermal necrolysis)的嚴重藥物不良反應的案例。我們回顧病患用藥史及與其他藥師討論後發現acetaminophen亦不能排除其可能性。經與醫師討論和訪視病患後,決定再重新逐一嘗試給予病患單一藥物以確認引發毒性表皮壞死溶解症的主要藥物。病患於服用acetaminophen後臉部及全身有紅斑、疼痛、喉嚨緊痛的現象,故可確定此不良反應的主要藥物應為acetaminophen。

The severe adverse drug reaction of this case which was highly suspected to be MST continus® induced toxic epidermal necrolysis reported by the physician. We reviewed patient’s medications history and discussed with other pharmacists then discovered acetaminophen may be responsible for this adverse drug reaction. We wanted to confirm the major drug that induced toxic epidermal necrolysis, so rechallenge with acetaminophen after discussing with physician was permitted by the patient. When the patient took acetaminophen then face and trunk erythema、pain、sore throat appeared. Acetaminophen was considered the main drug for adverse drug reaction.