

【綜合評述】奎寧類藥物用於冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 治療之效益風險考量
Benefit-Risk Consideration of Quinines for the Treatment of COVID-19
2019 冠狀病毒病、Chloroquine、Hydroxychloroquine、效益風險、Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)、Benefit-Risk
陳立奇Lih-Chi Chen1,*
2019 冠狀病毒病 (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) 已被世界衛生組織宣布為全球大流行之傳染性疾病,其病因、臨床表徵、病程變化及預防治療等,至目前尚無法充分掌握及瞭解,亦尚無足夠實證任一有效安全之治療藥物。奎寧類藥物為目前嘗試用於COVID-19 治療的藥物選擇之一,此類藥物包含氯奎寧及羥氯奎寧(hydroxychloroquine, HCQ),為傳統抗瘧疾藥物,臨床可用以治療紅斑性狼瘡及類風溼性關節炎等免疫性疾病,老藥新用於COVID-19 之治療,意外掀起了各界的關注及討論。綜觀疫情初期,有關奎寧類藥物嘗試用於COVID-19 治療之臨床研究報告有限,受限其病人數少或研究方法上不夠嚴謹,尚無足夠證據支持為標準之治療建議。目前最新研究證據顯示接受HCQ 治療並無顯著降低重症或死亡率,且此類藥物可能引起QT 間隔延長、低血糖、視網膜病變等嚴重不良反應,其臨床使用須審慎考量 ( 特別是在重症患者或有同時服用會延長QT 間隔藥物的病人,尤須審慎評估 )。國內第7 版《新型冠狀病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) 感染臨床處置暫行指引》已刪除HCQ 用藥建議,但相關臨床研究資料不斷更新,該類藥物用於COVID-19 之治療角色仍有待更多臨床試驗結果驗證之。

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared as a global pandemic infectious disease by the World Health Organization. Its etiology, clinical characteristics, disease progression, prevention, and treatments are still not fully grasped or understood. There is no sufficient evidence to support any drug treatment as effective and safe. Quinine is one of the drug options currently being tried for COVID-19 treatment. Quinine-type medications include chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which are traditional antimalarial drugs and can be used clinically to treat systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other immune diseases. The new application of these old drugs in the treatment of COVID-19 has aroused much attention and discussion worldwide. However, due to the limited number of clinical research available, small study sample size, and the lack of rigorous research methods, there were many debates about quinine as an effective treatment for COVID-19. Caution should be exercised in using quinine as it is known for some serious adverse reactions such as prolonged QT interval, hypoglycemia, and retinopathy. Recent case reports of cardiovascular adverse reactions warrant extra caution especially in critically ill patients or patients taking QT interval prolonging drugs concurrently. The suggestion of HCQ use has been withdrawn from the 7th edition of Interim Guidelines for Clinical Management of SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Taiwan. The role of quinine drugs in treating COVID-19 still requires further verification by more clinical trials.

Summited for publication: 2020.4.21; Accepted for publication: 2020.7.28