

Retrospective Evaluation of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Selected Surgeries
清淨術式、預防性抗生素、傷口感染率、clean wound, prophylactic antibiotic, surgical site infection
羅凱薰Kai-Hsun Lo*1 、蘇世強Shey-Chiang Su2 、林秀英Hsiu-Ying Lin3 、胡雅姿Ya-Tzu Hu1 、林育成Yu-Chen Lin1 、王森洤Shen-Chuan Wang1
1新竹馬偕紀念醫院 藥劑科 、2新竹馬偕紀念醫院 感染科 、3新竹馬偕紀念醫院 感染管制
為了解院內預防性抗生素使用情形,針對新竹馬偕紀念醫院外科之三項清淨術 式包括單純疝氣手術、甲狀腺切除手術及內固定器拔除手術之預防性抗生素使用情 形進行調查。以電腦資料庫篩選自民國 94 年 3 月至  7 月間接受院內三項術式,經 醫師診斷為清淨傷口的病患,依據院內制定預防性抗生素使用規範及利用設計的紀 錄表,以調閱病歷方式進行調查並訪問臨床從業人員蒐集相關資訊。以描述性統計分析各項因素百分比情形,包括是否有使用預防性抗生素、藥物選擇、術前給藥時 間、給藥劑量、術後使用天數以及傷口感染率等。
結果顯示 173 件個案中,64.2%有使用預防性抗生素,35.8%未使用預防性抗生素有使用預防性抗生素之111位病患中,術前藥物選擇皆為 cefazolin,未符合術 前 1 小時內給藥佔7.2%,劑量不適當佔 0.9%,術後延長使用天數佔 23.4%。在 62 位未使用預防性抗生素患者無感染,唯一感染是有使用預防性抗生素之內固定器拔除術病患, 傷口培養為  methicillin -resistant coagulase negative staphylococci (MRCNS),感染率為2.33%。

In order to better understand how prophylactic antibiotics are  being used in our hospital, we have conducted a study specifically targeting 3 types of clean surgeries, ie: simple herniorrhaphy, thyroidectomy, and removal of internal fixation of fractures. Case were  selected from the computer database of  the  Hsinchu Mackay Memorial Hospital from  the  period between March 2005  and  July  2005, from records of patients who were underwent clean wound surgery. According to the standard guideline of prophylactic use of antibiotics in our hospital, and utilizing a designed chart, data  was  collected by chart review and by interviewing the  clinical staff  as well. Descriptive statistical analysis was used on the factor percentages of  the following: whether prophylactic antibiotics were used, which drugs were used, timing before operation the prophylactic antibiotics was given, drug dosage, for how many days was the drug used after the operation, and the rate of infection.
In the 173 cases included in the study, 64.2% (111/173) used antibiotic prophylaxis and  35.8% (62/173) did not.  Among the 111 who used antibiotic prophylaxis, 7.2% did not receive within 1 hour before operation. The drug of choice for all preoperative patients was cefazolin. 0.9% received an inappropriate dosage.  23.4%  received prolonged antibiotic use postoperative. Of the 62  patients who did not use prophylactic antibiotics, none developed an infection. The only case of infection was found in a patient who underwent surgery for removal of internal fixatio and also did use prophylactic antibiotics. The wound developed methicillin-resistant coagulase negative staphylococci, and the infection rate was 2.33%, well below the previously estimated infection rate of 1-5%.
This study found that the relationship between preoperative use of prophylactic antibiotics and postoperative infection, in the 3 types of clean surgeries has no probability of dependence, and thus recommended to forego the use of prophylactic antibiotics.
