

Using Chlorhexidine Ophthalmic Preparation as an Example to Illustrate the Evaluation Guidance of a Compounding Product in a Hospital Pharmacy
藥局調製,評估流程,調製評估指南、Pharmacy Compounding, Evaluation Process, Evaluation Guidance of Compounding
楊秀琍Hsiu-Li Yang1 、林書巧Shu-Chiao Lin1 、林慧玲Fe-Lin Lin Wu1,2,3 、沈麗娟Li-Jiuan Shen1,2,3 、王春玉Chun-Yu Wang4 、王雪如Hseuh-Ju Wang1 、林秋杏Chiu-Hsin Lin1,*
1國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院藥劑部 、2國立臺灣大學醫學院臨床藥學研究所 、3國立臺灣大學醫學院藥學系 、4新光醫院藥劑部
為滿足臨床上病人的特殊需求,在沒有市售產品可供使用及替代,也沒有藥廠願意專案製造的情況下,藥師面臨如何評估是否進行藥品的調製、設備環境是否符合規定,以及如何調製等問題。因目前臺灣較少國內訂定之相關標準作業規範可供參考與遵循,本文將以0.02% chlorhexidine 眼藥水為例,說明某醫學中心當面臨醫療特殊需求時,如何進行評估,決定是否進行調製;並綜合各先進國家的經驗,提出一個臺灣醫院藥局調製作業之評估指南,希望能提供各醫療院所藥師參考的方向及依據。
When there are no commercial available medications or therapeutic substituents, pharmacy compounding is necessary to meet the special clinical needs. However, in Taiwan, there are limited regulations or guidelines on pharmacy compounding. This article used the compounding of 0.02% chlorhexidine ophthalmic preparation as an example to illustrate the evaluation and decision process for the need of a compounding product in a medical center. A guidance for evaluation process of a compounding product was suggested in this article after comprehensively literature review.