

【案例報告】懷孕婦女罹患 SARS 之用藥安全病案探討
The Drug Safety of Treating Pregnant Woman with
嚴重急性呼吸道症候群、SARS、懷孕、Ribavirin、致畸性、藥物安全性、 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS, pregnancy, ribavirin, teratogenicity, drug safety
林育成Yu-Chen Lin 、邱雪娥Hsueh-Erh Chiou 、劉惠文Hui-Wen Liu 、王瑩玉Ying-Yue Wang
2003 年嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)疫情在臺灣爆發期間,本院曾收治53 名的SARS 可能案例(probable case),其中3 例為孕婦。因SARS 屬於新興傳染病,目前尚無明確的治療準則。故依據香港治療SARS 的經驗,採用ribavirin及高劑量類固醇,加上輔助療法以控制病人的病情。
在此三案例中,有兩名在SARS 痊癒後繼續懷孕至足月而產下嬰兒,且ribavirin未造成任何畸形或異常,另一名則不幸病逝。一般在懷孕前期使用具致畸胎性的藥物,其危害性較高。在面臨SARS 此一空前危機時,藥師應積極提供足夠的藥物資訊以保全孕婦及胎兒的生命,以及安全無恙的預後。
During the outbreak of SARS in Taiwan in the year of 2003, there were 53 probable cases admitted to our hospital, and three  of them were pregnant women. Since SARS was a newly discovered infectious disease, there were no standard  guidelines  for it. Our hospital followed  the experience  of Hong  Kong  in  treating SARS, such  as the use of ribavirin, high dose steroids and supporting care.
After treatment, two of these pregnant women recovered from SARS. They continued their pregnancy to full term and gave birth to healthy babies. According to literatures, using  drugs  with  potential  teratogenicity  in  the  first trimester will  cause  a higher  congenital  defect  rate.  The  drug  safety  in pregnancy  should  be considered in treating  SARS patients.  In  facing the crisis of SARS, pharmacists should offer sufficient drug  information  to doctors  and other  health  care professionals so that better treatment of SARS pregnant women and their babies can be achieved.