

The Use of control chart to monitor and improve medication incident
病人安全通報系統、藥物異常事件、醫療照護品質指標、管制圖、醫囑錯誤、醫師處方箋錯誤率、Patient safety reporting system, medication incident, quality indicator, control chart, prescribing error
吳文祥Wen-Hsiang Wu1 、王瑛玫Ying-Mei Wang*1,2 、黃婉翠Wan-Tsui Huang3,5 、王惠蓉Hui-Jung Wang2 、馮介凡Chien-Fan Fong4,6
1元培科技大學健康產業管理研究所 、2國泰醫療財團法人新竹國泰綜合醫院藥劑科 、3國泰醫療財團法人國泰綜合醫院藥劑科 、4台灣大學附設醫院新竹分院 、5台北醫學大學藥學系 、6台灣大學醫學院醫學系

Medication incident is hard to avoid during the complicated medical process. The Taiwan Department of Health set the first aim of patient safety as "to elevate drug safety ". In addition, there are several drug safety indicators to monitor medication incident. This study wants to monitor and prevent the medication incident by using Taiwan Patient Safety Reporting System (TPR) data, Taiwan Healthcare Indicator Series (THIS) data and control chart.
The researchers collected prescribing error, one of the medication incidents, from TPR system during 2009 to 2010 and calculated THIS indicator. If prescribing error rate monitored by control chart is abnormal, the researchers should analyze original data to find the cause of abnormality and improve it.  
In the monitoring process, the researchers detected prescribing error rate elevated over upper control limit in March, 2010 and found its causes to be related to wrong frequency, wrong route, wrong dosage and duplication. By targeting these causes, the researchers developed block-off function to avoid systemic-related error and feedback to doctors in minimizing human-related causes. After those interventions, prescribing error rate decreased to 0.05% in June 2011.
Using this process, from reporting, monitoring to improvement, hospital can monitor medication incident in real-time in order to prevent sentinel drug events. In addition, the process can be used to compare with other hospitals’ performances to elevate quality and safety.