

Evaluation of Clinical Practice: Audit of Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Surgical Patients in a Medical Center
手術、預防性抗生素、審查、surgical, antibiotic prophylaxis, audit
林雪香Shiue-Shiang Lin*1 、劉尊榮Chun-Eng Liu2 、吳怡靜Yi- Jing Wu3 、葉慧敏Hui-min Yeh4 、簡素玉Su-Yu Chien1
1彰化基督教醫院藥劑部 、2彰化基督教醫院感染科 、3彰化基督教醫院資訊部 、4彰化基督教醫院護理部

Surgical wound infection prolongs hospitalization, increases medical expenses, and even leads to patient's death. Many studies have proven the efficacy of using preventive antibiotics to control surgical wound infection. This project was to improve the appropriate selection and timing of the preventive antibiotics administration rate in our institute.
Between December 2006 and November 2009, was examined at least twice per year by assessing six variables: (1) Antibiotics prophylaxis within 1 h before incision (2) Immediately after cord clamping in cesarean section. (3) Prophylactic antimicrobial agent that is consistent with currently published guidelines. (4) Antimicrobial dose should be adequate based on the body weight. (5) During prolonged procedures, antibiotic prophylaxis should be re-administered. (6) Duration of prophylaxis should not exceed 24 h.
During the study period, 2436 operations were performed. We are promoting appropriate selection and timing of the preventive antibiotics administration rate. Prophylaxis administration within 1 h before incision was increased from 86% to 91%. Prophylaxis administration immediately after cord clamping was increased from 94% to100 %. Appropriate antibiotic selection was 100%. An adequate dose on the basis of body weight was increased from 96% to 98%. Re-dose for long surgery was increased from 80% to 100%. Prophylaxis duration of less than 24 h was increased from 65% to 70%. 
Audits of surgical prophylaxis are expected to detect different errors in different institutions. Feeding the information back to surgeons could improve adherence to recommended guidelines and might contribute to reduced wound infection rates.