目的:為能客觀評估藥師學員在跨領域團隊合作場景時需展現的知識、技能、行為與態度等,及提升其對全人照護的覺察與自信,故與不同職類合作新創客觀結構式臨床技能測驗(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)教案及核心能力量表,並從多元面向探討執行成效。
方法:與醫師合作開發融入團隊資源管理(team resource management, TRM)元素及標準合作職類(standard interprofessional collagues)模式的跨領域合作照護教案,另分別與營養師及物理治療師共同協作從全人照護出發的糖尿病人諮詢教案,並以翻轉教室的概念製作自學教材。
結果:學員參加TRM 教案的及格率為66%,鑑別度為非常優良,醫師評學員及學員自評核心能力的分數相近,無統計學上差異。學員在兩個糖尿病人諮詢OSCE測驗前的自學教材之後測成績比前測各進步33.1 分(飲食)及27 分(運動),及格率均大於70%,其中運動諮詢教案的鑑別度為非常優良。學員於測驗後的滿意度回饋均大於80%。
結論:跨領域合作的OSCE 可有效評估學員是否能展現跨領域團隊合作的技能外,也是能增加學員全人照護學習體驗的途徑之一。
Objective: To evaluate objectively the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes that pharmacists need to perform in interprofessional collaborative practice, as well as to enhance the awareness and confidence of the pharmacists in holistic health care, we collaborated with different disciplinary to develop new objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) and scale of core competencies. We evaluated the use of these new formative OSCE.
Methods: We cooperate with physicians to develop the interprofessional OSCE that incorporates elements of team resource management (TRM) and standard interprofessional collagues. In addition, we cooperated with nutritionists and physical therapists separately to develop the OSCEs of the diabetic patient consulting for diet and exercise, and make the self-study materials by the concept of flipped-classroom.
Results: The pass rate of pharmacists who participated in the TRM OSCE was 66%, and the discrimination is excellent. There was no statistical difference between the pharmacists’ self-assessment and standard physicians’ assessment. In the two diabetic consulting OSCEs, the post-test scores increased 33.1 (diet) and 27 (exercise) respectively compared with the pre-test, and the pass rate was both higher than 70%. The satisfaction of feedback after the OSCE was higher than 80%.
Conclusions: The OSCE developed by cooperating with other disciplinary could assess the collaborative skills of the pharmacists, and be the approach to increase the learning experience of holistic care.
Summited for publication: 2020.6.11; Accepted for publication: 2021.2.8