

Analysis of Drug-Induced Hematologic Adverse Drug Reactions in a Southern Taiwan District Teaching Hospital
藥物不良反應、藥物所致血液異常、Adverse Drug Reactions, Drug-Induced Hematologic Syndromes
陳佳南Chia-Nan Chen*1 、林慧娟Hui-Chuan Lin1 、張其純Chi-Chun Chang2 、李明陽Ming-Yang Lee3
1戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院藥劑科 、2戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院醫事部 、3戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院血液腫瘤科
目的: 藥物可誘發各類型的血液不良反應疾病,影響包括白細胞、紅細胞、血小板,和凝血系統方面的異常。藉由分析藥物導致血液異常不良反應之案例,進一步瞭解相關可疑藥物及不良反應之臨床表現,以提供臨床醫療人員之參考。
方法: 本研究以藥物不良反應資料庫進行回溯性研究評估,統計分析自2009 年1月至2011 年12 月,因使用藥物所致血液異常之藥物不良反應通報案例。
結果: 期間因藥物所致血液異常之不良反應通報案例總數為90 件。通報個案之年齡以大於65 歲之病患67 件 (74.4%) 為最多。通報次數排行第一的藥物為warfarin 有33 件 (36.7%)。藥物所致血液異常主要症狀為coagulopathy 有34 件 (37.8%),其次neutropenia/agranulocytosis 有30 件 (33.3%) 及thrombocytopenia 有12 件 (13.3%)。
結論: 藉由通報案例分析,及警示系統的設立,提醒醫療人員,在處方開立時,除了需考慮劑量的合理性外,仍需小心監測可能會發生的不良反應,以及早發現並給與適當處置,使藥物的使用更加安全。
Objectives: Drugs can induce almost the entire spectrum of hematologic disorders, affecting white cells,red cells, platelets, and the coagulation system. Our aims emphasized the broad range of drug-induced hematological syndromes. Further, this study investigated the effect of clinical manifestations on suspicious drugs and adverse reactions to offer useful insights for clinical medical staff to make a decision.
Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the adverse drug reaction (ADR) database in a southern Taiwan district teaching hospital during a period of 3 years from January 2009 to December 2011.
Results: The total numbers of drug-induced hematologic adverse drug reactions were 90 cases. Patients older than 65 years old were the major group in this study. The most suspicious medicine was warfarin, which counted 33 cases (36.7%). Blood disorders of ADR included coagulopathy (34 cases or 37.8%), eutropenia/agranulocytosis (30 cases or 33.3%), and thrombocytopenia (12cases or 13.3%).
Conclusions: An alert system should be insplemented to provide useful information for clinical medical staff in prescribing medicine. Furthmore, clinical medical staff not only need to consider appropriate doses of medicine, but also need to carefully monitor potential adverse reactions. By doing so, the adverse reactions can be earlier detected and clinical medical staff can make proper treatment.