

【綜合評述】臨床藥事照護應用工具─ PCNE 藥物相關問題分類系統介紹
A Tool for the Implementation of Clinical Pharmaceutical Care -- PCNE Drug-Related Problems Classification System
藥事照護、藥物相關問題、判斷性服務、PCNE、Pharmaceutical Care, Drug-Related Problems, Judgmental Service, PCNE
王慧瑜Hue-Yu Wang*1.2 、黃耀斌Yaw-Bin Huang2 、黃淑芬Shu-Fen Huang1
1奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部 、2高雄醫學大學藥學系
本文將引介目前在研究及文章發表上常被引用且定期改版驗證的PCNE drug-related problems分類系統,並回顧歷年修訂內容與現行版本之異同,以提供醫院藥師於臨床服務應用之參考。
The implementation of clinical pharmaceutical care and documentation of the intervention activities done by pharmacist not only improve the drug safety and cost effectiveness, but have considerable help on the pharmaceutical care services analysis. Therefore, it is important to have an appropriate drug-related problems classification instrument for the quality improvement of pharmaceutical care process and clinical research.
This article will introduce a regularly revised and verified classification system -- the PCNE drug-related problems classification, which has been applied in pharmacy practice and research. Moreover, the difference among current and previous versions will be reviewed to provide hospital pharmacists the opportunity to introduce the system into clinical practices.