

【原著】Doripenem 在加護病房使用療效評估
Efficacy of Doripenem in Intensive Care Unit
Doripenem, 加護病房、Gram (-) Bacilli, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa、Doripenem, Intensive Care Unit, Gram (-) Bacill, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginos
黃美嫆Mei-Jung Huang*1 、汪忠炫Chung-Hsuan Wang2
1秀傳醫療社團法人秀傳紀念醫院藥劑科 、2秀傳醫療社團法人秀傳紀念醫院急診醫學部
目的:Doripenem 屬於carbapenem 類最新加入的藥,基於菌種產生抗藥性日益增多,新藥研發不易,新藥的需求有其迫切性。目前出現格蘭氏陰性抗藥性的菌種,一直困擾著臨床醫師。因此探討新藥doripenem 在臨床上使用療效及安全性,以提供院內使用抗生素的準則。
方法:以回溯性評估方法,收集從2010 年10 月至2011 年10 月間內科加護病房使用doripenem intravenous 共210 病人。用SPSS 12 進行資料分析,p 值 < 0.05具統計上意義。
結果:210 位病人平均年齡73.2 ± 15.3 歲,入加護病房後平均3.5 天開始使用doripenem IV infusion。Doripenem 藥物平均使用9.2 ± 5.0 天。病人發燒平均37.3 ±2.6 (°C),WBC 平均15,554.5 ± 9610 (uL),CRP 平均11.7 ± 9.5 (mg/dL),Seg 平均80.5 ± 13.1 (%)。210 位病人經doripenem 治療後150 位存活轉病房(71%) (150/210);入加護病房幾天內用doripenem 及使用天數和腎功能不全均會影響死亡率,其p 值 <0.05。治療前、後生化值WBC、CRP,其p 值分別為 (0.003; 0.023)。肺炎及肺炎併感染症病人治癒率71% (95/134),發燒會影響患者死亡率,p 值 < 0.05。有66 位病人菌種沒根除,菌種主要以MDRAB (multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii),Acinetobacter baumannii,Stenotrophomones maltophilia 為主。
結論:研究發現doripenem 在加護病房感染治癒率71%。在醫院裡常見Gram (-)菌所引起難治療感染,新藥doripenem 是建議使用的。
Background: Doripenem, a member of the β-lactam class of antibiotics, is the newest addition to the carbapenems. Difficult-to-treat infections caused by gramnegative
pathogens are common in the hospital setting. New drugs are urgently needed to combat this threat. The aim is to investigate the safety and therapeutic effect of doripenem in Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Methods: Used retrospective case review of 210 patients with doripenem administration in our ICU from 2010 October to 2011 October.
Results: The survival 71% (150/210) versus mortality 29% (60/210) after treatment with doripenem. There were significant p-value showed in days of starting use of doripenem in ICU, renal insufficiency and medication of days (p-value < 0.05)。The 134 patients have pneumonia infection, the survival rate 71% (95/134). There were significant p-value showed in fever (p-value < 0.05). The 66 patients have no to eliminate pathogen. It is mainly MDRAB (multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii), Acinetobacter baumanniies and    Stenotrophomones maltophilia.
Conclusions: In our study we found infection survival rate was 71%. This is a significant new drug in the treatment of hospitalized patients with serious bacterial infections.