

【案例報告】疑似Terbinafine引起之顆粒性白血球缺乏症: 案例報告與文獻回顧
Terbinafine-induced Agranulocytosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literatures
藥品不良反應、顆粒性白血球 缺乏症、抗黴菌藥、Terbinafine、 adverse drug effect, agranulocytosis, antifungal agent, terbinafine
蕭淑珍Shu-Chen Hsiao,1 、江吉文1 、裴松南2 、李炳鈺1
1長庚紀念醫院高雄分院 藥劑科 、2長庚紀念醫院高雄分院 內科部 血液腫瘤科
Terbinafine 於 1991 年上市為第一個口服  allylamine 類的抗黴菌藥,臨床上用於治療甲黴菌病(onychomycosis)與皮 癬菌病(dermatophytosis),其藥品不良反應的發生率約為10%,通常以胃腸道或 皮膚方面的副作用居多。在此,我們報 導一例疑似為terbinafine導致顆粒性白血球缺乏症(agranulocytosis)的個案,該 名患者是因甲黴菌病而至本院皮膚科門診接受 terbinafine 的治療,6 週之後,便因發燒和咽喉痛而至急診就醫,於急診檢查發現該病患嗜中性球嚴重低下,住院期間又因為肺炎感染,必須接受注 射劑型抗生素的治療而延長住院時間。Terbinafine 所引起的顆粒性白血球缺乏症在臨床上極為罕見,但是此藥品不良反應卻有可能導致患者併發嚴重的感染。本文藉由該案例的報導與相關文獻資料的回顧,以提醒醫療同仁於臨床藥 事照護服務之警覺。
Terbinafine,the first orally active allylamine to be marketed in 1991,is used in the treatment of onychomycosis and dermatophytosis.Adverse effects have been reported in approximately 10% of  the  patients  receiving the drug; there are mainly transient gastrointestinal and skin events.Here,we report a patient who developed agranulocytosis after taking oral terbinafine for the treatment of onychomycosis.After six weeks,he visited our emergency department because of fever,sore throat and severe neutropenia.During admission,the patient had a complication of pneumonia requiring intravenous antibiotics therapy and thus resulted in prolongation of length of stay.Agranulocytosis is a rare side effect of terbinafine but may cause severe infectious complications.We describe a case of terbinafine-induced agranulocytosis and conduct a review of the literatures in order to make an alert for medical staffs in pharmaceutical care.
