

Medicine Treatment of Thallium Intoxication
鉈中毒(thallium intoxication)、普魯士藍(prussian blue)、 thallium intoxication, prussian blue、
顏素珍Su-Chen Yen1 、鄧新棠1 、黃錦章2
1林口長庚紀念醫院 藥劑部 、2林口長庚紀念醫院 神經內科
臺灣首宗鉈中毒(thallium intoxication)事件發生於2002年3月中旬,病患為48歲女性,因飲入含高濃度鉈的開水(案發後茶壺水鉈濃度檢驗值為3124 ppm)而遭受急性鉈中毒,確定診斷後,立即以傳統治療鉈中毒方法處理,包括給予活性碳、普魯士藍(prussian blue)和血液透析,目前病患已存活下來,恢復情況良好,出院後定期回診,追蹤一年後,病患似有一些神經學方面症狀,如下肢麻木、無力,近期記憶變差和憂鬱症等,本文在此介紹案例治療過程並討論有關鉈中毒的治療方法。
This was the first case of thallium intoxication in Taiwan in Mar. 2002.
A 48-year-old woman suffered from thallium poisoning when she unknowingly drank large amount of boiled water containing high-concentration of thallium (concentration of thallium in the boiled water was 3124 ppm). After acute thallium intoxication was diagnosed, conventional treatment modalities including activated charcoal, prussian blue and hemodialysis were administered. This patient survived and was discharged from hospital after her full recovery. Thereafter, she visited OPD regularly. After one year follow-up, we found her chief complaints were neurological symptoms including numbness and weakness in the bilateral legs, deterioration in short-term memories, and depression sometimes. Herein, we present this case and discuss about the treatment modalities of thallium intoxication. 