雖然2007 年藥物不良反應通報中心曾發布pergolide 與心臟瓣膜病變之安全性報告,但於目前為止仍未有充分資料及證據探討兩者相關性。依據近期之證據顯示使用pergolide 相對於未使用者並未顯著性增加其心臟瓣膜病變風險,但這些研究結果由顯著性影響至無影響皆曾被指出。臺灣對於相關藥品上市後研究及藥理研究仍無法清楚瞭解pergolide 與心臟瓣膜病變之相關風險。雖pergolide 與心臟瓣膜病變之安全性評估仍未非常清楚,但依據現有證據仍建議使用pergolide 前需進行心臟超音波檢查及例行性心血管檢查,若服用含pergolide 成分藥品之病人,有發生疲倦、呼吸短促和心悸等症狀時,應立即告知醫師,並做心臟超音波檢查。另一方面,建議對於pergolide 所引起心臟瓣膜病變之安全性評估仍須要有更長時間、不同領域進行分析與探討。
The associations of pergolide and valvular heart disease have been reported from 2007 according to Taiwan National Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting System. However, data regarding relative risks of pergolide induced valvular heart disease are limited. evidence, the outcomes of observational studies indicated no significant in increasing risk of valvular heart disease with pergolide. Nevertheless, evidence does not still unclearly understand the correlation and mechanism of pergolide with valvular heart disease. It is suggested that echocardiogram and a routine cardiovascular evaluation must be examined before pergolide prescribed.Patients also have to be monitored for signs and symptoms of valvulopathy, including dyspnea, palpitation and fatigue. If patients develop these signs or symptoms, consideration must be given to suspending treatment with pergolide until a full diagnostic evaluation, including echocardiogram, has been performed. In addition,long-term safety assessment and different fields of research have to be conducted and analyzed to assess the correlation of pergolide use and valvular heart disease.