

Flomoxef-induced Anaphylactic Shock – A Case Report
過敏性休克、藥物不良反應、 flomoxef、anaphylactic shock, adverse drug reaction, flomoxef
王嘉珍Chia-Chen Wang1 、沈俊明Jiunn-Ming Sheen2
1高雄長庚紀念醫院 藥劑科 、2高雄長庚紀念醫院 兒童血液腫瘤科
本文報告一位 7 歲男孩入院接受化學治療,因為低嗜中性白血球發燒症而使用flomoxef 和 amikacin 等抗生素。給與flomoxef 10 分鐘後病人出現胸部緊 繃、呼吸困難、心跳加快、血壓下降、 喘鳴、皮膚紅斑等症狀,懷疑是 flomoxef引 起 的 過 敏 性 休克 。 緊急 給 與   normal saline、diphenhydramine、hydrocortisone 和 dopamine 等藥品後,病人轉至小兒加 護病房觀察。1 天後,病人臨床症狀明 顯改善且轉至普通病房。

A 7-year-old boy, admitted for chemotherapy, was given flomoxef and amikacin due to neutropenic fever. After the first injection of flomoxef, only ten minutes apart, this boy has shown  chest  tightness,  dyspnea,  tachycardia,
hypotension, wheezing and generalized erythema.
Anaphylactic shock associated to flomoxef was suspected. The patient was treated urgently with normal saline, diphenhydramine, hydrocortisone and dopamine. This boy clinically improved and was transferred to a ward after one day of staying in the pediatric intensive care unit.