

The Influent Factors of Insulin Consumption in Diabetic Patients with Infection
感染症、糖尿病足、胰島素耗用量、Infection, Diabetic foot, Insulin consumption
蔡慈貞Tzu-Cheng Tsai1 、何正Cheng Ho*2 、蔡春玉Chun-Yu Tsai 、鄧新棠Shin-Tarng Deng
1林口長庚紀念醫院藥劑部 藥劑科 、2嘉義長庚紀念醫院 內科部 新陳代謝科
糖尿病病患常因免疫力較差,同時合併微小血管、大血管病變,致使神經組織產生病變及組織灌流受損,因此糖尿病病患其相關之嚴重感染症的死亡率較高。再者,由於糖尿病病患處於感染、外傷、手術、心肌梗塞等壓力狀態下皆需要更多的胰島素,才能克服壓力所造成之高血糖。本研究即期望自所納入的案例中分析出感染症對血糖值的影響,及感染症之種類、嚴重度對胰島素耗用量的變化,符合收案標準的共計51例,其中35例(69%)為糖尿病足部感染或蜂窩組織炎,9例(18%)為泌尿道感染,2例(4%)為肺炎,5例(10%)為雙重感染,平均住院天數為24.1 ± 16 天。依住院中胰島素耗用量高低分成兩組:第一組為住院中胰島素耗用量比住院前高出5%以上者﹔第二組則為低於5%者,第一組及第二組之平均住院天數分別為26.6 ± 17.7天與21.0 ± 13.4天,二者無統計學上之差異,但第一組之糖尿病足部感染者、合併三病變(腎、神經及視網膜病變)者的平均住院天數明顯增加,分別為31.6 ± 18.8天與41.1 ± 24.5天,且第一組之平均胰島素耗用量顯著增加42%,此增加量便可說明感染症對胰島素耗用量變化的影響。綜上所論,糖尿病患者併發感染症時其胰島素耗用量的確顯著增加,尤其是糖尿病足部感染者、合併糖尿病三病變者﹔且其住院天數都明顯增加。
Diabetic patients are immune-compromised, who often suffer from microvascular and macrovascular insults, including neuropathy and tissue perfusion damage. High mortality in those patients is associated with severe infection. More insulin is needed to control sugar when diabetic patients are under the stress situation, such as infection, injury, surgery and acute myocardial infarction. The aims of study were to analyze the relationships with infections and the changes of insulin consumption in different types or severities of infection. Fifty-one patients were enrolled in the study, 35 patients (69%) were diabetic foot or cellulites, 9 patients (18%) were urinary tract infection, 2 patients (4%) were pneumonia and 5 patients (10%) were dual infections. The mean duration of hospitalization was 24.1 ± 16 day. According to the insulin consumption during hospitalization, study patients were divided into two groups. In group 1, the increment of insulin consumption was more than 5% of ordinary daily insulin level; in group 2 was less than 5%. The mean duration of hospitalization in group 1 and group 2 were 26.6 ± 17.7 day and 21.0 ± 13.4 day respectively (p value > 0.05). Notably, in group1 patients complicated with diabetic foot and triopathy were longer hospitalization, 31.6 ± 18.8 day and 41.1 ± 24.5 day respectively. In addition, the increment of insulin consumption was significant high (42%) in group 1 patients. In conclusion, diabetic patients complicated with infectious disease will significantly increase the consumption of insulin, especially in diabetic foot infection and triopathy, and prolong hospitalization obviously.