

A case report: levofloxacin-induced phlebitis
levofloxacin、靜脈炎、藥物不良反應、phlebitis, adverse drug reaction
王台欣Tair-Shine Wang* 、王明賢Ming-Shyan Wang 、孫淑慧Shu-Hui Sun
Levofloxacin為一廣效性fluoroquinolone類抗生素,常見副作用包括腸胃道方面如噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉;中樞神經方面如頭痛、暈眩、失眠等;另外靜脈輸注時,約有1-10%的病患會發生靜脈炎的副作用。本文報告一位78歲男性病患,因慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴隨二次感染,經驗性給予levofloxacin 500 mg靜脈輸注,病患於第二天使用levofloxacin靜脈輸注時,在靜脈注射部位及循其靜脈沿線,發生紅腫發炎的情形,立即停藥並敷黃藥水於患部,並隨即更換靜脈輸注部位,改給予moxifloxacin 400 mg靜脈輸注,約一天左右病患紅腫發炎的部位逐漸改善,之後並未再度發生靜脈炎。文中藉由文獻回顧,探討levofloxacin可能導致靜脈炎發生之機轉、輸注液濃度的影響、及其他可能加重靜脈炎發生的危險因子。

Levofloxacin is  a  broad-spectrum antibiotic of  fluoroquinolones. The  most  common adverse reactions of levofloxacin include gastrointestinal and neurological effects. Intravenous levofloxacin has been associated with phlebitis in 1-10% of patients. We reported a 78-year-old man of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with secondary respiratory infection. Intravenous levofloxacin 500 mg was administered empirically. On the next day when second infusion was given, local inflammatory reactions,  redness  and  swelling,  were  found  in  the  injection  site  and  along  the  injected  vein. Levofloxacin was immediately held and rivanol packing was given. The antibiotic was changed to intravenous moxifloxacin using a different vein, and the phlebitis was recovered after one day. After paper review, the possible mechanisms, infusion concentration, infusion rate, and other risk factors of levofloxacin-induced phlebitis were discussed.