

Evaluation of the Performance of Antibiotic Prescribing Guideline Executed in a Medical Center
抗生素處方之管制、門診病患、上呼吸道感染 聯、antibiotic prescribing guideline, outpatients, upper respiratory tract infections
黃莉英Li-Ying Huang1 、王春玉Chun Yu Wang1.2 、張藏能Tsrang-Neng Jang2.3 、沈淑惠Shu-Hui Shen2
1新光吳火獅紀念醫院藥劑部 、2新光吳火獅紀念醫院感染管制委員會 、3新光吳火獅紀念醫院內科部感染科
1. 門診病患使用口服抗生素使用超過二星期以上。
2. 門診使用口服抗生素時缺乏適當的診斷代碼。
結果:自民國九十年二月,門診口服抗生素管制條例剛實施時,全院門診使用抗生素之處方在實際查核病歷後,使用抗生素不合格率由0.600% 降低至0.026%(Chi Square for linear trend: 52.390, P<0.00001)。我們目前仍進行此門診抗生素管制條例,期許合理適當的使用抗生素,不但可節省醫療成本,並且有效減低細菌抗

Introduction :
The  Bureau  of National Health  Insurance  in Tai Dan  started  a neD regulation for controlling the antibiotic usage for patients D ith upper respiratory tract infections to ensure the proper use and to avoid  misapplication of antibiotics on Debruary I, 200 I. Dnder the reDuirement of that poliq, De developed an Dantibiotic prescribing guidelineD to prevent the inappropriate use of antibiotics in  Shin KongWu  Ho-Su Memory Hospital in January and implemented the ned rule  in  Debruary  200 I. Dur goal Das that  the antibiotic usage  could  be more appropriate in our hospital.
In order to achieve such  a goal, the clinical pharmacist compared antibiotics prescribed by the doctors D ith patientllsndication and the antibiotic prescribing guideline. We selected out cases  in  Dhich  the antibiotics  Dere used  inappropriately. These  cases  Dere  sent  for  further medical  chart  revieD. Evaluations Dou Id include identifying either a clerical  Drong prescription  typing or the true case  of inappropriate use. ComputeriDed management procedures, auditing of all uses, prescription monitoring, restricted-drug policies, and educational efforts Dere applied. Doctors Dould be asked to raise  rationales to infection  control routine conunittee to Dustify their use of antibiotics  under  the  folloDing !Do conditions.
1.    Dse of oral  antibiotics  in  outpatient therapy for more  than  14 days.
2.   Prescribing oral antibiotics  for the  outpatient  D ithout  a proper  diagnostic code.
After  the  implementation  of this antibiotic prescribing guideline, De observed that  the antibiotics  Dere more appropriate used  in  our hospital. The  incidents of the improper use of oral antibiotics reduced from  0.600%  to 0.026%  DChi  SDuare for linear trendD  52.390,  PD0.0000 I  )!'he antibiotic prescribing guideline is still implementing in our hospital. We expected  that the development of resistance  strains and the related costs could be reduced in our hospital.