

Accessing Drug Information Via BarCode Inquiry System
用藥安全、民眾用藥條碼語音查詢系統、效益、整體滿意度、Drug safety, Bar code inquiry system, Effectiveness, Total satisfaction degree
陳成桃Cheng-Tau Chen1 、傅永輝Yung-Huei Fu1,2,3 、張澶榮Charn-Jung Chang*1,4,5
1三軍總醫院臨床藥學部 、2三軍總醫院核子醫學部 、3台北醫學大學藥學院藥學系 、4國防部軍醫局藥政處 、5國防醫學院藥學系
目的:利用條碼系統確認與查詢病人處方藥品,讓民眾獲知正確用藥的資訊,以提升民眾的用 藥安全。
方法:某醫學中心建置民眾用藥條碼語音查詢系統,系統內容包含藥品的基本資料、藥品外觀 圖片辨識、藥品仿單及病人衛教單張查詢及列印、雙語用藥說明。針對民眾對用藥條碼 語音查詢系統建置內容的完整性、操作上的便利性、使用者之整體滿意度及建議事項進行評估。
結果:使用者當中教育程度為大專及研究所以上的人數分別為  306  人( 61.9%)及  60  人(12.1%)。而男性及女性之使用比率為 57.4%(288 人)及 42.6%(214 人)。其中使用 者之年齡層部份以 19-29 歲(158 人,31.5%)、30-39 歲(123 人,24.5%)、40-49 歲(104 人,20.7%)為主。另外,有 74.9%(375 人)使用者肯定本系統操作上便利性、約有 82.2%(408  人)使用者對此系統相關用藥的完整性表示認可、對系統的整體滿意度亦高達77.8%(377 人)以上。而男性對於本系統操作上的便利性、資訊完整性的認同感比率明 顯較女性者高(P<0.05)。
結論:將資訊科技運用在醫療服務,是民眾取得用藥相關資訊的一個重要管道,對提升病人用 藥安全有所幫助,亦是醫療體系努力發展方向。民眾在使用本院民眾用藥條碼語音查詢系統後,對於透過這套系統來做用藥安全上的輔助工具均表肯定。

Purpose: Providing the public with a more secured system in accessing proper medication directions and information of prescriptions in order to promote the public’s drug user safety.
Method: A hospital established a bar code inquiry system, including basic information and pictorial identifications  of  drugs,  instructions  for  taking  different  medications,  drugs  imitation  and  health education leaflets attached with enquiry forms and bilingual direction of use. The content integrity, convenience of operation and degree of satisfaction and suggestions of the public towards the bar code inquiry system has been evaluated.
Results: The number of users who have university and master degree are 306 (61.9%) and 60 (12.1%), respectively. The gender ratio 57.4% (288 people) were males and 42.6% (214 people) were females. Most users are consist of younger generations, as seen in the result: 19-29 years (158 people,
31.5%), 30-39 years (123 people, 24.5%), 40-49 years (104 people, 20.7%). Moreover, 74.9% (375 people) of users affirmed the convenience of this system operation, 82.2% (408 people) expressed appreciation for the drug information service provided by the system, and rate of total satisfaction for the system was more than 77.8% (377 people). The male users showed more satisfaction with the operation of system for convenience and data bank readable (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The use of technology is important in the provision of medical service to promote patient drug user safety. Most of the users were comfortable and satisfied with the bar code inquiry system.