

Establishing a Web Search System of Food and Drug Interactions to Improve Drug Safety
食物與藥物交互作用、查詢系統、用藥安全、drug-food interactions、search system、drug safety
林梅芳Mei-Fang Lin1 、張秀玲Hsiu-Ling Chang1 、賴慧娟Lai Hui-Chuan1 、黃佳真Huang Chia-Chen1 、蘇美娟 Su Mei-Chuan2 、蔡斌智Pin-Chin Tsai1
1財團法人義大醫院 藥劑科 、2財團法人義大醫院 資訊處
背景:食物與藥物可能基於不同的機轉而產生交互作用,導致病患對於藥物的療效降低或增加藥 物的毒性,也可能引起負面的影響及延長住院等。對於需要多種藥物治療的病患,則其發 生食物與藥物交互作用的機會可能會增加,因此臨床上應該努力發展預防產生食物與藥物 交互作用的方法。本研究的目的為建構食物與藥物交互作用及時線上查詢系統,提供醫 師、護士、藥師及其他醫療人員,以預防交互作用產生的不良影響及造成治療失敗。
方法:建立食物與藥物交互作用的資料庫,利用醫療資訊技術,建置即時的網路查詢系統,以 利醫師、護士、藥師及其他醫療人員快速查詢相關資料。並以問卷方式調查對於此系統 提供的資料其即時性、可近性、參考性及滿意度等。
結果:建立食物與藥物交互作用資料共 212 筆,回收的有效問卷共 126 份,回收率為 84%。問 卷結果認為系統能即時可以提供食物與藥物交互作用資料為 98%,系統可近性 98%,內 容具參考性為 100%,整體滿意度為 100%。
結論:本研究發現提供即時性的食物與藥物交互作用查詢系統是極具實用且能幫助提升用藥安 全,因此我們建議每家醫院應該建構該醫院藥物可能與食物產生交互作用的資料庫及查 詢系統,以促進用藥安全。

Background: Drug-food interactions may occur by different mechanisms and causes the patient to reduce or to increase the drug efficacy or toxicity. As a consequence, patient care may be adversely affected and extension in hospital. The increasing complexity of drug therapy regimens has increased the potential for drug-food interactions to  occur, reinforcing the  need to  develop methods to  prevent clinically significant drug-food interactions. The purpose of this study is to develop the drug-food interactions web based search system in order to provide an easy and quick information to physicians, nurses, pharmacists, other medical officers and to prevent adverse drug reactions or treatment failures caused by drug-food interactions.
Methods: Medical information technology was used to establish web search system of drug-food interactions into our physician order entry system and on homepage of pharmacy. We also conducted a quality survey with questionnaires to evaluate the response of visitors to the system, including instantaneity, accessibility, usefulness and degree of satisfaction.
Result: Total of 212 drugs pairs with drug-food interactions were collected in the web-based database. We received 126 completed questionnaires. Response rates to the quality survey were 84%, The rate of satisfaction with instantaneity was 96%, accessibility of the system to provide information 96%, usefulness of contents 100%, overall satisfaction 100%.
Conclusions: The results of our study showed that the establishment of the drug-food interactions web-site is practicable and will improve drug safety. We suggest that healthcare organizations should set up a drug-food interactions database for improving drug safety.
