

Cognition of Community Pharmaceutical Care among Taoyuan Residents
認知、用藥安全、藥品分級、 慢 性 病 連 續 處 方 箋 、 一 般 民 眾、社區藥局藥師、cognition, drug safety, drug classification, prescription refilling for chronic diseases, general public, community pharmacists
林娜翎Na-Ling Lin1 、陳素圓Su-Yuan Chen2 、涂慧慈Hui-Tzu Tu3 、史麗珠 Lai-Chu See3
1長庚大學職能治療系 、2桃園縣政府衛生局藥政課 、3長庚大學公共衛生科
在醫藥分業實施後,社區藥局可提供藥品調劑的服務,指導病患用藥、藥物諮詢;民眾持慢性病連續處方箋至社區藥局領藥,可節省時間往返醫院並得到用藥照護。2002 至2005年桃園縣政府衛生局與社區藥局藥師合作對民眾在 藥事照護進行衛教宣導。本研究目的便是在2006 年,以問卷調查桃園民眾對藥局的調劑權 責 、用藥安全 、藥品分級 、慢性病處方箋的認知程度 , 評 估 桃園縣政府衛生局與社區藥局藥師合作 對民眾在藥事照護的衛教成效,以幫助 設定衛教方向之參考。
對桃園地區民眾和家屬參與整合性健康篩檢時邀請填寫問卷,得有效問卷 共 1219  份,回收率為53.2%。民眾的社區藥局照護認知整體答對率為84.2±23.1%。線性複迴歸結果顯示,年齡及教育程度為民眾對社區藥局照護認知的重要影響因素,以中年人和高教育程度 參與者認知最高。
桃園地區民眾在社區藥局照護認知的答對率為84.2%,但在藥品分級的認 知程度最低(71.5%-82%),還有待加強宣導。

After implantation of separation of medication prescribing and dispensing, community pharmacists now fill  prescriptions, provide information or consultation about taking medications, and refill of medicine for stable chronic diseases. From 2002 to 2005, the Public Health Bureau of Taoyuan County and the community pharmacists worked together to inform the public about the safe use of medications. The aim of this 2006 study was to estimate how much know about the right of drug dispensing, drug safety, drug classification, prescription refilling on chronic diseases,  in  order  to  evaluate  the  educational effect provided by the Public Health Bureau and local pharmacists, and  to  determine the  future direction of care education program on pharmaceutical.
We received 1219 completed questionnaires (53.2% response rate) filled out by residents and family members participating in the Taoyuan integrated health screening.The overall correct rate of pharmaceutical care questions was 84.2±23.1%. Drug classification had had the lowest score, ranging from 71.5%-82%. Multiple linear regression reveals that age and education were important factors for the cognition of pharmaceutical care, whereas people of middle age and those with higher education had better understanding of pharmaceutical care.
Our results indicated that the cognition of pharmaceutical  care  among  Taoyuan  residents was quite good with a correction rate of 84.2% but not on drug classification. More education program on this aspects is needed.
