

【案例報告]Vancomycin導致的耳毒性-- 疑似案例報告及文獻回顧
Vancomycin Induced Ototoxicity: A Case Report and Literature Review
vancomycin、耳毒性、vancomycin, ototoxicity
曾若婷Ruoh-Tyng Tseng1 、陳憲煜Hsien-Yu Chen2 、湯宏仁Hung Jen Tan3 、陳麗芳Agnes L.F. Chan1
1財團法人奇美醫院 藥劑部 、2財團法人奇美醫院柳營分院 藥劑科 、3財團法人奇美醫院 感染科
臨床使用vancomycin常見某些副作用的發生,例如:紅頸症狀(red neck syndrome)、血栓性靜脈炎(thrombophlebitis)等,另外,有可能會發生聽神經的損害,進一步造成聽力的喪失。此案例報告是一位因胰臟炎住院的病患,在使用vancomycin後出現耳鳴的現象,經耳鼻喉科醫師會診後,懷疑有聽力喪失的情形,在停用vancomycin後改用teicoplanin治療,病人反應耳鳴現象有改善,懷疑可能是vancomycin引起的耳毒性。許多因素都可能會增加使用vancomycin後所可能造成的耳毒性,包括:使用高劑量的vancomycin,長時間使用vancomycin,腎衰竭的病人,年紀較大的病人,病人曾經發生過聽力喪失的情形,同時併用其他會造成耳毒性藥物等。故監測病人的腎功能及vancomycin血中濃度、盡量避免併用其他可能產生腎毒性或耳毒性的藥物,才能進一步避免耳毒性發生。

Several adverse effects were seen when clinical using vancomycin such as red neck syndrome, thrombophlebitis, et al. In addition, it may cause auditory nerve damage, induce further hearing loss. Here, we reported a case of pancreatitis complicated with tinnitus and hearing loss after using vancomycin. The tinnitus was improved after discontinuing vancomycin and change to teicoplanin. Multiple factors may potentiate the ototoxicity of vancomycin including higher doses, longer treatment course, renal insufficiency, old age, history of hearing loss and the combination with other drug that may induce ototoxicity. Closely following renal function and vancomycin serum level, avoidance combination with drugs that can cause renal and ototoxicity may prevent this complication.