

Appropriate use of fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients
實證醫學、液體復甦、晶質液、膠質液、重症照護、Evidence-based medicine, fluid resuscitation, crystalloids, colloids, critical care
吳秋瑩Chiu-Ying Wu*1 、蕭淑珍Shu-Chen Hsiao1 、戴慶玲Ching-Lin Tai1
1高雄長庚紀念醫院 藥劑科
於重症照護,低容積血症(hypovolaemia)發生時,液體復甦 (fluid resuscitation)是必要之緊急處置,眾多輸注液中,又以晶質液 (crystalloids) 與膠質液 (colloids)之使用最為普遍。然而,截至目前為止,復甦液之選用並無準則可供依據,若以高單價之 albumin 作為替代輸液,則其使用之安全性與效益是否有實證醫學上的證據可資證明是相當重要的課題。本文之目的在於討論晶質液與膠質液于生理學和藥理學上的特性,並根據實證醫學之分析結果探討其醫學治療證據的強弱,以提供重症病人復甦方式之合理選擇。

Critical care clinicians have the opportunity to choose among several intravenoussolutions for fluid replacement. These fall into two main categories: crystalloid andcolloids. However, in clinical practices, no standardized guidelines exit for their use.As the exact role of albumin remains undefined and its acquisition cost is substantiallyhigher than that of any of the crystalloid alternatives, there is a question why albuminshould be preferred to crystalloid therapy. The objectives of this article were to describethe physical and pharmacologic characteristics of colloids and crystalloids, and to assessthe use of fluid resuscitation in current clinical practice for making evidence-baseddecisions.