

Case Report: Multiple Myeloma Induced Hypercalcemia of Malignancy
多發性骨髓瘤、惡性高血鈣、雙磷酸鹽、 multiple myeloma, hypercalcemia of malignancy, bisphosphonates
何志豪Chi-Hou Ho 、陳麗芳Agnes L.F. Chan 、曾綉惠Hsiu-Hui Tseng
1財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部 、2高雄醫學大學附設醫院藥劑科

The most common adverse sequela of multiple myeloma is bone loss and bone destruction. Apart from giving chemotherapy, multiple myeloma should be provided with appropriate treatment, or else serious complication such as pernicious hypercalcemia of malignancy, bone pain, or even bone fracture will occur. This will interfere the patient’s quality of life. Furthermore, this causes an increase in the cost of medical treatment, including additional medical expenses, prolonged hospitalization and needed nursing care. 
Owing to the fact that most patients of multiple myeloma always overlook its seriousness, such a case report is proposed to all medical colleagues to enhance their alertness. This patient is a sixty-eight year-old woman, with a medical history of chronic renal failure and hematuria. She hospitalized due to the recurrence of hematuria, low back pain and debilitated lower limbs. She was diagnosed as multiple myeloma with serious hypercalcemia of malignancy and fracture. She has recovered after taking antibiotics, bisphosphonates and antihypertension agent. Due to respiratory dependence, patient was transferred to respiratory care ward for further treatment under stable condition.