

Applicability of the Simple Suspension Method for Noncrushable Medications in a Teaching Hospital
簡易懸濁法、不適合磨粉藥品、管灌、吞嚥困難、Simple Suspension Method, Noncrushable Medications, Tube Feeding, Dysphagia
鄭涵予Han-Yu Cheng1 、彭姿蓉Tzu-Rong Peng1 、吳大圩Ta-Wei Wu1,2 、蔡芳佩Fang-Pei Tsai1,*
1佛教慈濟醫療財團法人台北慈濟醫院藥學部 、2台北醫學大學藥學院藥學系
方法:收集某教學醫院部分不適合磨粉之藥品,每項藥品各準備3 顆,以常溫注射用水與燒杯進行崩解懸浮測試和鼻胃管通過測試。
結果:共納入44 項不適合磨粉的藥品。可於常溫注射用水中崩解且通過鼻胃管測試藥品共14 項 (31.8%)。以臨床上管灌病人開立不適合磨粉藥品之處方為例,若將確認開立處方之此14 項藥品去除,預計不適合磨粉藥品以傳統磨粉投藥於管灌病人的機率每月將減少16.9%。
Objective: To assess the applicability of the simple suspension method for noncrushable medications and to evaluate whether the crushing of noncrushable medications for patients with tube-feeding could be reduced. 
Methods: We collected noncrushable medications in a teaching hospital. We prepared three tablets of each medication and tested their suspension and decay as well as the tube passage by using room-temperature water and a beaker.
Results: The study revealed that 14 (31.8%) of the 44 noncrushable medications examined could be dissolved in room-temperature water for injection and passed the tube passage test. If these 14 medications were not administered to patients, we estimated that the probability that noncrushable medications crushed and administered through tube feeding to patients would decrease by 16.9% per month.
Conclusions: The administration of noncrushable medications through crushing is common in clinical practice. Noncrushable medications cannot be finely ground, and grinding can lead to contact with crushed drug powder. Hence, the simple suspension method of suspending the medication in water before administration can be applied and is similar to the oral ingestion of medication with water. The procedure of administration is simple, and the medication can be prepared in a short time. The use of the simple suspension method can reduce the probability of noncrushable medications being crushed in clinical practice.
Submitted for publication: 2022.4.20; Accepted for publication: 2022.9.19