

Drug Regimen Review on Nursing Home Residents
護理之家、住民、藥物治療評估、藥師、 nursing home, resident, drug regimen review, pharmacist
周樺蓁Hua-Jen Chou1 、王婷瑩Ting-Yin Wang2 、譚延輝Tony Yen-Huei Tarn*3
1榮記藥行有限公司 、2三軍總醫院臨床藥學部 、3中華民國藥師公會全國聯合會

According to the “Nursing Home Practice Guideline” published by the Taiwan Long Term Care Professional Association in 2002, the pharmacist should provide “Drug Regimen Review” to the residents of nursing home at least once every month. In order to provide the resident with appropriate, safe, and effective drug therapy, pharmacists should evaluate the residents’ drug therapy with professional knowledge. Pharmacists in the other countries of the world have been offering drug regimen review in nursing homes for some times already, and those services have been documented and generally discussed in many literatures. However, similar published research and practice is lack of evidence in Taiwan society.
The purpose of this pilot study are (1)to establish the practice model of pharmacists providing “Drug Regimen Review” in nursing homes; (2)to find out the disease characteristics of residents in nursing home and their drug-related problems, and to identify the roles of pharmacist practice in nursing homes; and (3)to improve the residents’ outcomes of drug therapy by providing professional cognitive services from pharmacists. 
Two pharmacists conducted the study for a duration of five months. The drug therapy of 220 residents from 5 nursing homes in north Taiwan were reviewed. Residents in average was 77.7 years old, 99.5% were receiving drug therapy, there were 4.5 diseases/resident and taking average 6.2 medications. Thirty-nine percent of residents suffered at least one drug-drug interaction and 45.2% of which were 1st and 2nd degree significance. Further analysis indicated that each resident had 2.2 “potential risk factors of drug-related problem”, 25.0% of residents were receiving at least one inappropriate drug for elderly. There were 43.8% of suggestions provided by pharmacists accepted by physicians, the most frequent drug-therapy problems were “inappropriate drug selection” and “adverse drug effect”. There were 77.1% of accepted suggestions have positive impact on the residents’ therapeutic outcomes.
The results of the study demonstrated that the model of “Drug Regimen Review” is performable and should be encouraged. The nursing home needs pharmacist service. Pharmacist can have significant benefit to the outcome of residents’ drug therapy.